Trifle ice cream parfait with chia seeds and kumquats

A different version of cheesecake! An easy-to-make recipe for a delicious, fluffy cheesecake with notes of kum quat!
- For vanilla parfait
- 200gr. milk
- 200gr. sugar
- 8 eggs (only yolks)
- 3 vanilla Madagascar beans
- 400gr. heavy cream 35%
- Lazaris Kumquat liqueur (for the flavour)
For Trifle
- Chia seeds
- The parfait we made
- 2 tablespoons of Lazaris Kumquat spoon sweet
- Mint leaves
- Warm milk with vanilla in a saucepan.
- In a bowl, mix the yolks with the sugar.
- Add the egg mixture in milk and check when the temperature goes up to 85ο C.
- Remove from heat; pass the mixture through a colander and let it cool to room temperature.
- Add the cold cream and the Lazaris Kumquat liqueur and pour the mixture into the ice cream maker. If we have no ice cream machine, place the mixture in the freezer and stir with a spoon every 20 minutes at least 5 times.
- Let the ice cream soften slightly (ice cream should not be melted).
- Chop up Lazaris Kumquat spoon sweet the dried kumquats into small pieces; add the ice cream and chia seeds on top. Repeat this process till you fill the glass to the brim.
- Cover with shrink-wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
- Garnish with Lazaris Kumquat spoon sweet slices and mint leaves!