Lazaris Gift Box Limoncelo 500ml (2place)
White hard paper Gift bag Lazaris
Lazaris Limoncello 500 ml
Lazaris Mandola mixed 200g
Lazaris Fig Pie Spicy with Ouzo 200g
all in an excellent package inside a wooden box
and don't forget that you can always choose your own combinations and make your own, unique, proposal for your gifts.
LAZARIS liqueur in a festive packing, ideal for a gift, customized for the Christmas atmosphere. The famous Italian liqueur, but absolutely interwoven with the gastronomic tradition of Corfu, is produced by extracting lemon peel in alcohol. Transparent, aromatic, full-bodied, deliciously sweet and sourat the same time, it is served frozen after each meal as a digestive. Perfectly combined with sweet tarts, fruit salads and cakes.It’s also extremely refreshing with grated ice and it can be used as an ingredient for making cocktails.
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